• Naming and trademarks are Kathryn's everyday business. She works with intention and rigor to develop names and to ensure they are properly protected with a trademark. Kathryn has worked on naming projects that have launched in over 100 countries.

What is a trademark prescreen?

A trademark prescreen is an assessment of names to determine their likelihood of success in the full legal clearance process. A search is conducted on the exact spelling and phonetic spellings of the name in relevant trademark classes. If a conflict is found then it is best to discard the name. No matter how much you love the name. If a conflict is not found then it is a viable candidate to proceed into the full legal clearance process.

Why should trademark prescreening be conducted?

To save time and money. The full legal clearance process is an expensie endeavor. You only want to send in names that have a good chance of being succesful in clearance.

Do names really need to go through the full legal clearance process?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Where do you prescreen?

Kathryn offers prescreening in 193 countries and jurisdictions. She also provides common law results and domain availability reports.

How long does it take to get pre-screening results?

24 to 72 hours, depending on the number of names. Kathryn will provide you with an estimate when booking the project.

I have more questions or need more info about your services.

Please contact Kathryn for a chat. She generally responds to emails between 9am and 6pm EST.